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The Trust for Governors Island


Marine Engineer


  • Marine Engineering
  • Resiliency
  • Regulatory Permitting

About the Project

Indigo River was awarded an on-call contract for Maritime Engineering Services at Governors Island. The on-call scope covers design services for public parks and open spaces, maritime infrastructure, and coastal resiliency. Specifically: 

• Park and public space improvements and amenity structures
• Recreation facilities
• On-site storm water management
• Maritime infrastructure improvements (ferry landings, piers, wharf redevelopment and seawall improvements). 

Indigo River’s team consisted of the following subconsultants: TMS Waterfront, Dirtworks, Entech, eDesign Dynamics, Coastal Risk Consulting, and Natural Ventures. 

In the Summer of 2022, Indigo River was authorized to begin work on an initial task order, which consists of the design for a barge landing and ramp. To date site investigations, operations interviews, and contractor coordination have been completed. The design team is currently preparing the construction documents for the barge landing pad which is proposed to be located near Tango Pier. The purpose of this pad is to allow truck deliveries to access the island via a floating barge. 

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